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Case Study #2

Case Study #2



Ultimate Performance Supplements

Ultimate Performance Supplements

Ultimate Performance Supplements

Case Study #2

Case Study #2



Ultimate Performance Supplements

Ultimate Performance Supplements

“What a visionary. Completely transformational. The strategy, branding and packaging that Outsauce Media implemented helped us dominate the market.”

Michael Licciardo
National Sales Manager,
Ultimate Performance Supplements

Michael Licciardo
National Sales Manager,
Ultimate Performance Supplements

Tasked with a total Rebrand and Creative Direction of a much loved Australian Supplement Brand, Ultimate Performance Supplements (UPS); We had to re-position UPS from a niched Australian Bodybuilding brand to a Global Sports Supplement brand consumed by the masses.

Tasked with a total Rebrand and Creative Direction of a much loved Australian Supplement Brand, Ultimate Performance Supplements (UPS); We had to re-position UPS from a niched Australian Bodybuilding brand to a Global Sports Supplement brand consumed by the masses.

We had to re-enter a crowded category with a low barrier to entry, with the goal to stand out. With fierce competition and little brand loyalty, UPS needed our help to get their skin back in the game, actively jostle major competitors, pump up their market share, look delicious and be taken seriously. All without moving too far away from what had worked in the past and without ruffling the feathers of brand loyalists.

We had to re-enter a crowded category with a low barrier to entry, with the goal to stand out. With fierce competition and little brand loyalty, UPS needed our help to get their skin back in the game, actively jostle major competitors, pump up their market share, look delicious and be taken seriously. All without moving too far away from what had worked in the past and without ruffling the feathers of brand loyalists.

We were tasked with harnessing the feel of a Global brand, while offering a modern take on the old branding to stand out from the crowd and fly off retailer shelves. The branding needed to be strong enough to pull its own weight, so we positioned UPS in a bold new way that would attract new customers and turn the heads of existing ones.

We were tasked with harnessing the feel of a Global brand, while offering a modern take on the old branding to stand out from the crowd and fly off retailer shelves. The branding needed to be strong enough to pull its own weight, so we positioned UPS in a bold new way that would attract new customers and turn the heads of existing ones.

Through conducting our own research, most sports supplement packaging, you can tell which brand you are looking at, but never the flavour until you are up close. You also need to dive into the small print or the back of the label to find out what the supplement does. We gave Ultimate Performance Supplements new branding a professional but clean pharmaceutical look, whilst showcasing their range of strong flavours to make the packaging really stand out. We provided generally over complicated scientific knowledge through powerful branding elements, which made the information easily digestible to the general consumer.

Through conducting our own research, most sports supplement packaging, you can tell which brand you are looking at, but never the flavour until you are up close. You also need to dive into the small print or the back of the label to find out what the supplement does. We gave Ultimate Performance Supplements new branding a professional but clean pharmaceutical look, whilst showcasing their range of strong flavours to make the packaging really stand out. We provided generally over complicated scientific knowledge through powerful branding elements, which made the information easily digestible to the general consumer.

Ultimate Performance Supplements

Brand Highlight


Market Share Taken from Competitors across Australia


Lift in Brand Preference Over Competitors (Retail Survey)


Increase in Purchase Intent Across Online Marketing channels.

Client Satisfaction:


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