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Boasting the World’s Top EDM DJ’s with unparalleled stage designs and top tier production; ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL Australia was a two day, two city event in Australia; across Melbourne and Sydney. We provided Media production (Photography and Videography) and live editing for the Melbourne event and where behind the lens of some of the biggest music artists in the world.


Boasting the World's Top EDM DJ's with unparalleled stage designs and top tier production; ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL Australia was a two day, two city event in Australia; across Melbourne and Sydney. We provided Media production (Photography and Videography) and live editing for the Melbourne event and where behind the lens of some of the biggest music artists in the world.

Boasting the World's Top EDM DJ's with unparalleled stage designs and top tier production; ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL Australia was a two day, two city event in Australia; across Melbourne and Sydney.

We provided Media production (Photography and Videography) and live editing for the Melbourne event and where behind the lens of some of the biggest music artists in the world.

Please Note: The images and video shared, have already been shared publicly across Ultra Australia’s online platforms.

Behind the lens of some of the biggest music artists in the world:

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Media Production
(Photography & Videography):
Outsauce Media


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